None | |
academic administrator | |
academic librarian | |
activist | |
actor | |
adjunct professor | |
advertising person | |
aircraft pilot | |
American football player | |
anesthesiologist | |
anthropologist | |
archaeologist | |
architect | |
archivist | |
art collector | |
art educator | |
artist | |
assayer | |
audio engineer | |
author | |
autobiographer | |
baker | |
ballet dancer | |
bank teller | |
bartender | |
basket weaver | |
biographer | |
biologist | |
board member | |
bookkeeper | |
botanist | |
broadcast journalist | |
brothel owner | |
business executive | |
businessperson | |
caregiver | |
casino manager | |
casino owner | |
cattle rancher | |
chief executive officer | |
chief financial officer | |
chief operating officer | |
choreographer | |
Christian minister | |
Christian nun | |
cinematographer | |
city manager | |
civil engineer | |
civil rights advocate | |
clubwoman | |
cocktail waitress | |
collagist | |
columnist | |
comedian | |
community leader | |
community organizer | |
composer | |
conservationist | |
cook | |
cookbook writer | |
coordinator | |
correspondent | |
costume designer | |
county auditor | |
county commissioner | |
court stenographer | |
cowboy | |
curator | |
dairy farmer | |
dance teacher | |
dancer | |
dealer | |
dentist | |
deputy sheriff | |
dietitian | |
director | |
director | |
disability rights activist | |
drag queen | |
editor | |
education activist | |
educator | |
electrician | |
embalmer | |
entertainer | |
environmentalist | |
event manager | |
executive director | |
farmer | |
Female impersonators | |
film actor | |
film director | |
filmmaker | |
financial planner | |
firefighter | |
fireman | |
folk artist | |
fortune teller | |
funeral director | |
gallerist | |
genealogist | |
general practitioner | |
golf course designer | |
golf instructor | |
head teacher | |
historian | |
homemaker | |
hospital administrator | |
hospitality occupation | |
hotel manager | |
hotel owner | |
housekeeper | |
husbandry worker | |
information scientist | |
interior designer | |
journalist | |
judge | |
landlord | |
law enforcement officer | |
lawyer | |
lecturer | |
LGBTQ rights activist | |
librarian | |
library founder | |
library personnel | |
lobbyist | |
lumberjack | |
maid | |
manager | |
manager | |
matron | |
mayor | |
mechanical engineer | |
medical technologist | |
member of a board of education | |
mental health counselor | |
metadata librarian | |
Methodist pastor | |
midwife | |
military officer | |
mine entrepreneur | |
miner | |
model | |
museum professional | |
musician | |
narrator | |
naturalist | |
news presenter | |
newspaper editor | |
newspaper proprietor | |
nightclub owner | |
nuclear physicist | |
nurse | |
official | |
opera singer | |
oral historian | |
painter | |
paleontologist | |
pastor | |
performing artist | |
philanthropist | |
photographer | |
photojournalist | |
physician | |
pianist | |
piano teacher | |
pioneer | |
poet | |
police officer | |
police officer | |
political activist | |
politician | |
postmaster | |
priest | |
producer | |
professional golfer | |
professor | |
professor of mathematics | |
program director | |
prospector | |
psychiatrist | |
public defender | |
public relations executive | |
publisher | |
quilter | |
radio personality | |
real estate agent | |
real estate entrepreneur | |
recording artist | |
registered nurse | |
religious sister | |
reporter | |
researcher | |
respiratory therapist | |
restaurant owner | |
restaurateur | |
retail worker | |
retired | |
school counselor | |
school superintendent | |
school teacher | |
science writer | |
sculptor | |
seamstress | |
sheriff | |
silent film actor | |
singer | |
singer-songwriter | |
ski teacher | |
skier | |
social worker | |
socialite | |
songwriter | |
speech and language therapist | |
stage actor | |
suffragette | |
suffragist | |
superintendent | |
surveyor | |
talent agent | |
teacher | |
telegraphist | |
television actor | |
television personality | |
theatre critic | |
theatrical director | |
therapist | |
trade unionist | |
travel agent | |
trustee | |
trustee | |
university teacher | |
voice actor | |
volunteer | |
Wikidata editor | |
Wikimedian | |
wrangler | |
writer | |
youth care worker |
Use the search bar and filter tools to look for people and their occupations. For example, select one or more occupations from the filter tool. To find an individual, type all or part of their name, like "cyndi lauper" or "carrie dann", in the search bar. You also can combine keywords and filter settings: type a word like "vegas" and then select one or more occupations to see if any of those occupations are related to Las Vegas.